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White Night Ballarat

  • Art, Public art
  • Recommended
  1. Decorated Ladies projection of three ladies with faces covered by butterflies
    Photograph: Human Designs in collaboration with Melinda Muscat
  2. Building illuminated by colourful projection
    Photograph: Supplied/City of Ballarat
  3. Still Here artwork by Josh Muir projected onto the NGV
    Photograph: Josh Muir
  4. Woman with large back tattoo projected onto the night sky
  5. Four lotus flowers sit on top of lake
    Photograph: Supplied/City of Ballarat
  6. Person spraying tentacles
    Photograph: Dotahn Caspi

Time Out says

The city of gold will become the city of lights when White Night comes to Ballarat this winter

There is so much to explore in Ballarat this year, with one of the major highlights being White Night Ballarat: an evening of illuminations, projections, music and interactive works. 

On Saturday, June 1, put on your woolly socks and puffer jacket to watch the city of gold light up for six hours from 6pm until midnight. You’ll be greeted by almost 40 projections, more than 100 artists and performers, and two concert stages of non-stop entertainment. 

There will be performances from eight-piece powerhouse Jazz Party, late-night disco-inspired Tek Tek Ensemble, three-piece rockabilly band The Rechords, and Punjabi-Australian singer and lead of psychedelic band The Bombay Royale, Parvyn. Plus, appearances by Ballarat locals like Yacht Club DJs, Sami and Lashes

Of course, there will be stunning projections and installations from artists who mostly hail from Ballarat and its surrounds. One of White Night’s featured works will be 'Still Here' by the late Gunditjmara, Yorta Yorta and Barkindji man Josh Muir. And you won't want to miss a series of joyful projections by Deborah Klein, a Melbourne-based creative who infuses an ethereal quality into her work. Her poignant work titled ‘Decorated Women’ depicts three women masked by moths. For those interested in slow-motion and real-time video, Lisa Walker’s ‘Slow Curtain’ projection is also a must-see.

Another highlight of this captivating one-night-only event will be White Night Bites, a spotlight of Ballarat’s culinary delights. Many award-winning eateries will be participating, providing a snack or two for the late-night adventurer.

White Night Ballarat is free and just a 90-minute drive from Melbourne, so it’s a great chance for a mini-road trip with family or friends. Find out more about the full program of events on the White Night website.  

Saskia Morrison-Thiagu
Written by
Saskia Morrison-Thiagu


Opening hours:
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